Your Local Pest Control & Extermination Company in ‎Richardson, TX.

At Certified Termite and Pest Control, we receive many different types of service calls from within Richardson TX. Since we have technicians situated in various locations throughout the Dallas and Fort Worth area, we can resolve any pest problem within ‎Richardson quickly. We provide free quotes for all of our services, led by our professional pest control team.

Pests in Richardson, Texas

Certified Termite and Pest Control, we know everything about bugs and pests — their habits, where they live and breed, and how to get rid of them safely and effectively. With Certified’s commitment to training excellence, our highly trained technicians are well qualified to handle any type of pest problem.

Ants– As a homeowner or commercial property owner, you may experience one of the most common invaders: ants. There are thousands of types of ants, but the most commonly found in Richardson include odorous house ants, red imported fire ants, carpenter ants, Argentine ants, acrobat ants, pharaoh ants, and Tawny crazy ants. If you have an ant problem, give Certified a call right away. Ant infestations can quickly grow, leading to potential damage to your home. Here at Certified, we realize that you do not want these pests in your home, which is why we offer services to prevent and eliminate ant problems. To learn more about our ant control services, click here.

Rodents– Mice and rats are the most common rodents in our area that can become a problem for you as a homeowner or commercial property owner. Mice have collapsible bodies that can fit through even the smallest of spaces, so homeowners need to seal up any obvious gaps around entry doors, garage doors and utility penetration points that are a ¼ of an inch or larger. This includes gaps around utility pipes, torn screening in windows and external vents, and cracks in the foundation of your home. Both Norway rats and roof rats can infest human made structures. Rats are nocturnal, with their peak activity at dusk or before dawn. When the population is large or they are disturbed or hungry, you can see activity during the day. If you see rats during the day, the infestation is significant and you should call Certified right away to handle the problem before it escalates. To learn about our rodent control and removal programs, click here.

Mosquitoes– Mosquitoes are a year-round problem for homeowners in the Dallas/Fort Worth area due to our warm climate. Mosquitoes breed in still water, even as small as water gathered in a plastic soda bottle cap. Rain water can gather around your property within tires, downspouts, bird baths, children’s play equipment, buckets, clogged gutters, and flowerpots. Even if you dump water from all of the areas listed above, a next door neighbor who isn’t as proactive can cause mosquitoes to wander into your yard. At Certified Termite and Pest Control, we specialize in mosquito control to keep you and your family safe. To learn more about our mosquito control plans, click here.

Fleas– Flea infestations begin when an animal brings them into the home. This can be a result of a pet, or could be coming from a wild mammal like squirrels, raccoons, and feral cats. Flea activity in your home can also be a sign of a rodent or wildlife issue. Dogs can pick up fleas from contact with other dogs that have fleas. They are excellent jumpers, making it easy for them to travel from host to host. When fleas choose your pet as a host, they are exposed to a variety of health problems such as tapeworms, anemia, and skin irritation leading to scratching and small exposed wounds. As fleas feed off of your pet, symptoms can progress and quickly become a greater health risk. If you find fleas on your pet, call your veterinarian immediately for help. To learn more about our flea control program, click here.

Ticks– In Richardson, we are susceptible to bites from brown dog ticks and Lone Star ticks from spending time outdoors and even on our own property. Ticks are known to transmit diseases, including ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, and babesia. Local tick season begins in the late spring and continues into early fall. That’s why it’s more important than ever to prevent ticks before they become a problem for your family and pets. To learn about our tick control program, click here.

Bed Bugs– Bed bugs, unlike other insects that feed on blood, have never been proven to transmit disease to humans. However, bed bug bites can cause itchy red welts in some people and are often confused with poison ivy or an allergic reaction of some kind. Bed bugs are challenging pests that you definitely want to leave to the professionals at Certified. Trying to eliminate bed bugs on your own with DIY products is rarely successful and may result in spreading the bugs throughout your home. To learn more about our bed bug control plans, click here.

Cockroaches– In the DFW area, you may encounter American or German cockroaches. Once you have a cockroach infestation, it is extremely difficult to get rid of them by yourself. Their presence is a concern for public health because they are capable of carrying and spreading various pathogens. Cockroaches multiply and adapt to their environment very quickly. It is important to contact Certified Termite and Pest Control at the first sign of cockroach activity to avoid an escalated issue. To learn more about our cockroach control options, click here.

Spiders– Even though they are very frequently found, most people avoid them at all costs. In reality, the majority of spiders are not dangerous. Their diet consists of other small insects that you’d rather not deal with. Spiders enter structures through cracks and crevices around windows, doors, along foundations, ripped screens, uncapped chimneys, and also through holes where utilities enter a structure. For the most part spiders are only in your home because they wandered in unintentionally, only to find a buffet of small insects to live off of. To learn about our spider control programs, click here.

Stinging Insects– Yellow jackets, hornets, Africanized bees, and paper wasps are the most commonly found stinging insects in Richardson. If you find a stinging insect nest on your property, do not try to remove it on your own. By using DIY methods, you will be aggravating the nest, most likely resulting in a dangerous swarm. This is especially true for Africanized (killer) bee nests due to their notoriously aggressive nature. With one call to the professionals at Certified, we will come out and treat and remove the nest from your property quickly and safely. To learn more about our stinging insect control plans, click here.

Termites– Termites are a common occurrence in nature, and are constantly in search of additional food sources. Worker termites travel underground looking for fallen trees, decaying wood, plant debris, and other cellulose materials to consume and bring back to the colony. It is not uncommon to find termites in mulch or a nearby wood pile around your home. Improper moisture control, leaf litter, and direct wood-to-soil contact are all prime conditions that can promote termite activity on your property – often times within close proximity to your home. While foraging, worker termites will enter cracks in the foundation of your home, ultimately leading them to the wood within the structure. Serious damage can occur over time if the infestation is not stopped. Here at Certified Termite and Pest Control, we have decades of experience with termite monitoring, control, and elimination. To learn more about our termite control service options, click here.

Birds– Every year property owners invest a lot of money and time in cleaning and restoring their investments. Birds not only cause unsightly messes, they can also damage structures and introduce hazards to human health since they carry a variety of diseases. Effective control measures are important for both residential and commercial architecture, as well as monuments, parks, and boats. From pigeons to starlings and more, Certified is here to control the bird populations living in your attic or on your commercial building. To learn more about our bird control services, click here.

Bats– Bats are nocturnal mammals that rest in holes in trees, under bridges, in attics and ceilings of barns and buildings, and in caves. If they find an opening to enter spaces within your attic, they’ll begin roosting. When an entry point continues to exist, bats will stay. Bats become hazardous when they choose to live in your home due to the droppings and urine they consistently create. Not only are the conditions unsanitary, but it can begin emanating an unpleasant scent that can waft down below your attic and into your living spaces. The best way to get rid of bats is to call Certified to remove bats and seal the area to prevent them from reentering. To learn more about our bat control services, click here.

Armadillos– Some homeowners experience armadillo activity that results in severe lawn damage from their search for grubs and the process of creating dens. They spend their waking hours during the evening in summer and on warm afternoons in the winter. Dens are built deep under concrete patios, brush piles, rock pikes, sidewalks, external air conditioning units, and landscaping. While digging for earthworms and grub, armadillos ruin landscaping, flower beds, and grass. Golf courses and parks also have these issues. Shallow holes are made when their amazing sense of smell detects a meal. This goes on for hours on end each night, quickly resulting in grass and dirt that’s pulled up and strewn around. If you’re experiencing ongoing armadillo activity and damage to your property, give Certified a call for safe removal. To learn more about our armadillo removal services, click here.

Squirrels– Squirrels can easily find openings around your home that lead directly into walls and more likely, your attic. The entry point is widened by gnawing to make a baseball-sized hole so that they can move indoors and outdoors without a struggle. If you’re hearing scratching and movement in your attic during the day, Eastern gray squirrels can be afoot. As diurnal creatures, they forage outdoors in the daylight and bring their bounty back into your attic. If you think you hear squirrels at night, it could be fox squirrels or mice. They can cause substantial damage to your home by gnawing holes, chewing wires and contaminating surfaces with their urine and feces. Fires and short circuits can happen if squirrels chew through electrical wires, which is more common than you may think. If squirrels have chosen your attic to call home, that means all of your valuables can be in danger of becoming destroyed and contaminated. To learn more about our squirrel removal services, click here.

Skunks– Skunks have been known to create dens under decks and sheds, and within abandoned armadillo burrows. They begin breeding in February or March, bearing a litter in early May. Skunks are present year-round in North Texas. These stinky mammals are actually beneficial to reducing the amount of insects and small rodents that live on your property. Problems come into play when skunks create dens under your deck or shed. Digging and foraging for food around your yard can be unsightly, plus the chances for rabies are present. To learn more about our skunk removal services, click here.

Opossums– Opossums can live under decks, within walls of human made structures such as residential homes, and in garages, sheds, or attics. It’s not unheard of for the occasional curious opossum to wander into your living space through doggy doors. Once they enter, they defecate, urinate, and breed. You may smell strong, strange odors, see droppings, find toppled over trash cans, or hear shuffling noises at night in your attic. It can be very challenging and not to mention dangerous to get rid of opossums on your own. To learn more about our opossum removal services, click here.

Raccoons– Many homeowners in Richardson have to deal with raccoons invading their attics. Raccoons are excellent climbers due to their dexterity. If a tree branch is leaning up against your roof, they can easily use this as a natural bridge. Downspouts are also prone to raccoon climbing. By finding openings, such as holes in soffits, gaps where your gutter meets the roof, torn window screens, and broken vents, raccoons can slip through. If the hole isn’t big enough, they’ll destroy around its edges to widen it. They can also tear off loose vents that are old or broken. By trying to capture a raccoon on your own, you are opening yourself and pets up to the possibility of transmitting diseases such as rabies, tularemia, hepatitis, roundworms, canine distemper and more. If you have raccoons living in your attic, give the pros at Certified a call. To learn more about our raccoon removal services, click here.

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At Certified, we understand the pests of Richardson and the most effective ways to control them. We’ll leave your home pest-free, ensuring that you and your family are happy for years to come.

For a free no obligation pest evaluation in Richardson, TX, please fill out the form on this page or give us a call.